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See the colorful freecell.netTournaments Schedule here
Visit Hop's Tournament Explorerhere to browse final results of past tournaments
Tournament Review
Select a game and watch the leader board change as the wins and losses roll in
Use dropdowns to filter selection and click a row to select the tournament you want to see
Server time: (EST/EDT New York) Local time:
note: you may have to F5 or shift-F5 (or ctrl-r and ctrl-shift-r)(or clear browser cache) to get recent updates
note: recent data may not have been uploaded yet. There's a 2-4 hour lag
note: data for all dates may not be available (back to 2021-01-01)
note: replays of deadly games are counted TBD
note: only games played are shown TBD
note: only tested with Chrome web browser TBD(may be a while before dealing with issues from other browsers )
note: tournaments during DST time change may be reported incorrectly
Next... Select the tournament date (below) For Official Tournament results for the selected date here The reviewer reports what it sees in the data csv. It does not apply tournament rules. If any discrepancy between the reviewer results and the official results, the latter shall prevail After the date is selected, you can download data csv file here which contains all tournament plays for the day