cellmate's Webpages
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"...draining workplace productivity since 1996"

So... how many players... how much time... and where does it go...

Some interesting Month to Date stats... (see Misc Reports for daily reports)

(Yes... Month to Date is a bit boring the first few days of the month
See last month's Month to Date here)

How many Plays by Day - 2025-03

How many plays by Mode - 2025-03

201356412d 23:52:17Streak
1275726d 22:12:05Winnable
1063111d 19:34:30Tournament
421610d 04:38:15Not scored
22012d 16:19:49Blind
14821d 19:49:09HotStreak

How many Players vs Days played - 2025-03

How many players vs Elo - 2025-03-05

Top Elo Players - 2025-03

click on a name to hide/unhide data

Playtime, All Modes, distributed by hour - 2025-03

00:00 439 627912d 21:37:20
01:00 356 504210d 10:56:10
02:00 313 49679d 06:40:47
03:00 297 42347d 20:49:11
04:00 323 45919d 00:12:37
05:00 332 48779d 05:57:16
06:00 409 598211d 16:06:26
07:00 532 750115d 04:35:26
08:00 688 998219d 21:54:43
09:00 7961148322d 13:03:55
10:00 8971263024d 19:53:14
11:00 9371247325d 08:05:34
12:00 9321273526d 00:25:49
13:00 9521248025d 08:49:06
14:00 9681317426d 22:04:52
15:00 10041413728d 23:46:39
16:00 10041421128d 09:44:19
17:00 9811361127d 12:06:35
18:00 8991180123d 05:16:04
19:00 8011122822d 11:11:38
20:00 7491028621d 07:33:52
21:00 6821010920d 13:24:54
22:00 642 996120d 10:03:38
23:00 562 886917d 00:06:00

Top 25 most Playtime, by Playtime - 2025-03

5851d 20:04:17 0:01:14 0:46:49 0:04:31CurtisAce
2991d 18:47:02 0:01:40 0:40:54 0:08:35fasteddie47
4091d 10:53:09 0:01:45 0:24:00 0:05:07skh
4241d 10:17:02 0:01:16 0:46:11 0:04:51DKHAnonymous
9321d 06:34:40 0:00:35 0:08:37 0:01:58deemde
8841d 05:02:24 0:00:26 0:16:59 0:01:58thisone
10151d 04:38:34 0:00:33 0:18:50 0:01:41Andre613
3911d 03:50:51 0:01:00 0:25:58 0:04:16Beezy
8071d 03:13:10 0:00:44 0:15:31 0:02:01TheGodfather
4601d 01:04:55 0:00:51 0:28:05 0:03:16tazie
8221d 01:02:56 0:00:37 0:13:30 0:01:49_BAMMO
1821d 00:58:48 0:00:42 0:38:11 0:08:14ddoss
3971d 00:52:59 0:00:50 0:35:15 0:03:45glynthegin
3321d 00:35:24 0:00:54 0:27:12 0:04:26wolle
4441d 00:18:11 0:00:51 0:16:59 0:03:17McMullen24
4261d 00:13:41 0:00:51 0:20:31 0:03:24Angelina
22723:57:46 0:02:13 0:26:45 0:06:20ch9an19
31323:51:44 0:00:52 0:26:23 0:04:34Doug.F
76223:49:04 0:00:20 0:33:20 0:01:52nexus8
50323:46:20 0:00:54 0:21:01 0:02:50jefffm
22523:36:42 0:01:10 0:38:13 0:06:17richardmuu
29823:24:00 0:01:36 0:22:28 0:04:42TCTaiwan
25723:19:40 0:01:13 0:33:44 0:05:26Melba
53323:14:16 0:00:57 0:18:39 0:02:36eddielu13
66922:58:12 0:00:23 0:15:43 0:02:03Chuck.Salomon.Jr

Top 25 most Playtime, by Playtime (exclude 8x4) - 2025-03

4091d 10:53:09 0:01:45 0:24:00 0:05:07skh
8841d 05:02:24 0:00:26 0:16:59 0:01:58thisone
10151d 04:38:34 0:00:33 0:18:50 0:01:41Andre613
1821d 00:58:48 0:00:42 0:38:11 0:08:14ddoss
3971d 00:52:59 0:00:50 0:35:15 0:03:45glynthegin
78023:50:10 0:00:44 0:07:13 0:01:50TheGodfather
50323:46:20 0:00:54 0:21:01 0:02:50jefffm
25723:19:40 0:01:13 0:33:44 0:05:26Melba
46822:37:56 0:00:36 0:22:45 0:02:54TheWiz
37421:30:48 0:01:27 0:18:37 0:03:27tony1a
43021:17:59 0:01:01 0:19:31 0:02:58Jackyboy
86121:06:06 0:00:13 0:17:54 0:01:28sefunsz
120620:48:42 0:00:32 0:03:08 0:01:02amh
49420:28:41 0:01:18 0:07:08 0:02:29huffy
39020:24:33 0:01:31 0:08:52 0:03:08MikeC
23320:22:37 0:01:06 0:39:17 0:05:14hamtruck1
111220:01:53 0:00:01 0:16:29 0:01:04kenwa
47020:01:10 0:00:03 0:21:57 0:02:33willow
33019:32:32 0:00:58 0:38:23 0:03:33Ladycat2
50019:20:47 0:00:30 0:17:57 0:02:19jonathanbelsky
31519:10:56 0:01:39 0:29:08 0:03:39flogger465
32619:10:19 0:00:06 0:19:13 0:03:31as12
67018:59:03 0:00:02 0:08:45 0:01:42Beowulf
41418:51:17 0:00:27 0:17:44 0:02:43sebcbien2
63818:39:57 0:00:03 0:19:43 0:01:45Mitsuko

Top 25 most Playtime, by Playtime (8x4 only) - 2025-03

5851d 20:04:17 0:01:14 0:46:49 0:04:31CurtisAce
2991d 18:47:02 0:01:40 0:40:54 0:08:35fasteddie47
4241d 10:17:02 0:01:16 0:46:11 0:04:51DKHAnonymous
9321d 06:34:40 0:00:35 0:08:37 0:01:58deemde
3911d 03:50:51 0:01:00 0:25:58 0:04:16Beezy
4601d 01:04:55 0:00:51 0:28:05 0:03:16tazie
8221d 01:02:56 0:00:37 0:13:30 0:01:49_BAMMO
3321d 00:35:24 0:00:54 0:27:12 0:04:26wolle
4441d 00:18:11 0:00:51 0:16:59 0:03:17McMullen24
4261d 00:13:41 0:00:51 0:20:31 0:03:24Angelina
22723:57:46 0:02:13 0:26:45 0:06:20ch9an19
31323:51:44 0:00:52 0:26:23 0:04:34Doug.F
76223:49:04 0:00:20 0:33:20 0:01:52nexus8
22523:36:42 0:01:10 0:38:13 0:06:17richardmuu
29823:24:00 0:01:36 0:22:28 0:04:42TCTaiwan
53323:14:16 0:00:57 0:18:39 0:02:36eddielu13
66922:58:12 0:00:23 0:15:43 0:02:03Chuck.Salomon.Jr
24922:57:53 0:01:23 0:34:14 0:05:32browser
58522:53:21 0:00:57 0:21:25 0:02:20abc09
39022:47:46 0:00:23 0:18:06 0:03:30debbiesueca@yahoo.com
53322:21:25 0:00:58 0:18:28 0:02:31elbow
68222:19:45 0:00:37 0:18:40 0:01:57Morita
14322:17:11 0:01:30 1:12:46 0:09:21SpaceModulator
52222:14:33 0:00:40 0:18:45 0:02:33camper88
44122:08:46 0:00:54 0:26:53 0:03:00cnhsr

Top 10 most Plays, by variant (8x4 only,Streak,Won) - 2025-03

8x4-5 70386131d 11:00:01
8x4-6 2952560d 01:51:46
8x4-7 1379530d 01:05:04
8x4-8 680616d 12:59:58
8x4-10608919d 11:27:32
8x4-9 34409d 04:56:15
8x4-122991d 05:45:54
8x4-114 0:12:12
8x4-2 1 0:16:57
8x4-3 1 0:12:48

Game number coverage (Streak,Won) by level for 8x4 levels 5 thru 10 - 2025-03


Detailed Game coverage (Streak) (8x4-5) - 2025-03

Game coverage of 78812 games played

Out of 32768Games...
22598played multiple times
7239played once
2931not played
20482won multiple times
8266won once
1089not won
1417lost multiple times
5183lost once
23237not lost

Times played for games played but not Won:   eg 17(2) game 17 was played 2 times without being won
 17(2) 54(3) 90(1) 147(1) 225(2) 291(3) 300(2) 343(1) 351(2) 370(1)...

Games Played Once: 10 21 31 34 35 37 45 61 63 65 and 7229 more

Games Not Played: 5 12 20 23 24 25 42 51 56 80 and 2921 more

Games Not Won: 17 54 90 147 225 291 300 343 351 370 and 1079 more

Games Won Once: 10 21 22 31 34 35 37 45 61 63 and 8256 more