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"...draining workplace productivity since 1996"

So... how many players... how much time... and where does it go...

Some interesting Month to Date stats... (see Misc Reports for daily reports)

(Yes... Month to Date is a bit boring the first few days of the month
See last month's Month to Date here)

All Plays by Day - 2024-10

All Plays by Mode - 2024-10

298458631d 10:47:22Streak
1790237d 18:09:12Winnable
1570817d 15:20:40Tournament
668516d 19:29:48Not scored
41815d 05:08:59Blind
24593d 02:40:20HotStreak

How many Players vs Played every day this month - 2024-10

Players vs Elo - 2024-10-08

Top Elo Players - 2024-10

click on a name to hide/unhide data

Playtime, All Modes, distributed by hour - 2024-10

00:00 5501015820d 18:03:05
01:00 443 841317d 02:43:22
02:00 373 698914d 06:33:43
03:00 358 622212d 23:01:29
04:00 369 657813d 11:35:11
05:00 406 757115d 01:05:24
06:00 488 943918d 14:07:19
07:00 6461177723d 17:41:37
08:00 8171543431d 09:40:50
09:00 9541714134d 22:47:52
10:00 10681863037d 14:29:10
11:00 11061805037d 00:32:34
12:00 11191710336d 21:09:11
13:00 11141811338d 23:01:11
14:00 11461996541d 13:21:37
15:00 11701989441d 14:15:49
16:00 11781979141d 05:03:54
17:00 11311871539d 04:25:10
18:00 10351738236d 08:53:43
19:00 9601729535d 10:17:31
20:00 9061724235d 00:16:54
21:00 8431621133d 02:55:37
22:00 7791519330d 22:43:59
23:00 6641208724d 18:50:09

Top 25 most Playtime, by Playtime - 2024-10

4853d 11:55:30 0:01:38 0:55:15 0:10:22fasteddie47
24343d 01:19:53 0:00:02 0:21:17 0:01:48toosoo77
9922d 22:01:20 0:01:14 0:26:22 0:04:14CurtisAce
7502d 09:28:56 0:01:50 0:27:49 0:04:35903p
8481d 23:10:37 0:00:35 0:27:36 0:03:20glynthegin
3671d 22:17:45 0:01:56 0:53:37 0:07:34RogerB
14421d 20:40:28 0:00:39 0:07:22 0:01:51deemde
3701d 20:34:24 0:00:44 0:47:29 0:07:13ddoss
10031d 20:32:02 0:01:09 0:19:36 0:02:39A_none_mouse
7671d 18:50:50 0:00:37 0:29:48 0:03:21edfed02
1811d 17:25:39 0:01:46 1:32:47 0:13:43BigBand
8291d 16:48:41 0:00:02 0:20:19 0:02:57Mastermind
4321d 15:53:37 0:02:09 0:25:15 0:05:32middlepath
10181d 15:45:47 0:00:42 0:26:44 0:02:20ktp
9121d 15:24:37 0:00:41 0:20:37 0:02:35sonny711
5601d 15:12:00 0:01:07 0:35:27 0:04:12leslie.meaney
13541d 14:55:12 0:00:34 0:19:37 0:01:43lumakre
5401d 14:36:34 0:00:56 0:29:49 0:04:17maesot
7501d 13:19:25 0:01:31 0:16:20 0:02:59Lazlo_Jamf
21791d 13:13:11 0:00:01 0:16:51 0:01:01kenwa
1031d 13:13:06 0:01:28 1:41:18 0:21:40Zotto
8161d 12:59:45 0:00:41 0:19:39 0:02:43tazie
11321d 12:50:25 0:00:03 0:19:22 0:01:57Mitsuko
11641d 12:38:43 0:00:08 0:17:36 0:01:53leewayne
3641d 12:35:12 0:00:51 0:41:46 0:06:01strassenbeuge

Top 25 most Playtime, by Playtime (exclude 8x4) - 2024-10

8481d 23:10:37 0:00:35 0:27:36 0:03:20glynthegin
3701d 20:34:24 0:00:44 0:47:29 0:07:13ddoss
10031d 20:32:02 0:01:09 0:19:36 0:02:39A_none_mouse
7671d 18:50:50 0:00:37 0:29:48 0:03:21edfed02
8281d 16:46:46 0:00:02 0:20:19 0:02:57Mastermind
7501d 13:19:25 0:01:31 0:16:20 0:02:59Lazlo_Jamf
6521d 11:59:06 0:00:06 0:20:26 0:03:18DT48
4091d 09:56:43 0:01:06 0:23:50 0:04:58hamtruck1
10381d 09:40:50 0:00:03 0:19:22 0:01:56Mitsuko
20091d 09:36:01 0:00:01 0:16:51 0:01:00kenwa
4211d 09:06:13 0:01:31 0:25:33 0:04:43skh
10471d 08:16:16 0:00:08 0:17:36 0:01:50leewayne
3781d 06:25:26 0:00:50 0:41:12 0:04:49noneoftheabove
9001d 05:27:55 0:00:29 0:17:57 0:01:57philv
4691d 04:30:24 0:01:20 0:25:54 0:03:38Compostman
3511d 04:23:50 0:01:01 0:21:21 0:04:51europegirl
8681d 04:10:43 0:00:13 0:19:28 0:01:56lexilulu30@gmail.com
4531d 03:55:26 0:00:08 0:32:34 0:03:41PhilN73
5241d 03:51:25 0:00:27 0:33:55 0:03:11patty
9731d 03:06:05 0:00:03 0:09:11 0:01:40Beowulf
5081d 02:44:38 0:01:40 0:12:54 0:03:09bigflare
2451d 02:41:21 0:01:30 0:24:16 0:06:32outskirts
3631d 01:55:52 0:01:14 0:19:27 0:04:17BrewCrewOldSkool
3711d 01:53:47 0:00:50 0:40:49 0:04:11Ladycat2
8001d 01:41:36 0:00:05 0:19:10 0:01:55ValpoJim

Top 25 most Playtime, by Playtime (8x4 only) - 2024-10

4853d 11:55:30 0:01:38 0:55:15 0:10:22fasteddie47
9922d 22:01:20 0:01:14 0:26:22 0:04:14CurtisAce
22752d 19:18:15 0:00:02 0:21:17 0:01:46toosoo77
7502d 09:28:56 0:01:50 0:27:49 0:04:35903p
3671d 22:17:45 0:01:56 0:53:37 0:07:34RogerB
14421d 20:40:28 0:00:39 0:07:22 0:01:51deemde
1811d 17:25:39 0:01:46 1:32:47 0:13:43BigBand
4321d 15:53:37 0:02:09 0:25:15 0:05:32middlepath
10181d 15:45:47 0:00:42 0:26:44 0:02:20ktp
9121d 15:24:37 0:00:41 0:20:37 0:02:35sonny711
5601d 15:12:00 0:01:07 0:35:27 0:04:12leslie.meaney
13541d 14:55:12 0:00:34 0:19:37 0:01:43lumakre
5401d 14:36:34 0:00:56 0:29:49 0:04:17maesot
1031d 13:13:06 0:01:28 1:41:18 0:21:40Zotto
8161d 12:59:45 0:00:41 0:19:39 0:02:43tazie
8761d 12:03:47 0:00:53 0:24:53 0:02:28sheamus
6581d 11:54:55 0:00:14 0:21:13 0:03:16the_bird
5631d 10:19:18 0:00:40 0:32:18 0:03:39ianr132
5981d 09:42:21 0:00:59 0:36:14 0:03:22sbcojr
6811d 09:13:51 0:00:40 0:21:00 0:02:55birginel
3821d 09:08:25 0:01:06 0:39:45 0:05:12prettyladiesclub
4501d 08:52:03 0:01:02 0:35:31 0:04:22turn
5261d 08:49:22 0:00:45 0:21:16 0:03:44BrownsFan61
4631d 08:37:31 0:01:04 0:36:22 0:04:13skylark
6141d 08:29:54 0:00:40 0:24:09 0:03:10lawrieh

Top 10 most Plays, by variant (8x4 only,Streak,Won) - 2024-10

8x4-5 108659205d 03:43:42
8x4-6 4535891d 18:52:46
8x4-7 2127247d 01:04:51
8x4-8 1026425d 13:23:51
8x4-10909731d 01:08:54
8x4-9 495513d 21:09:42
8x4-125182d 03:34:32
8x4-1120 2:02:33

Game number coverage (Streak,Won) by level for 8x4 levels 5 thru 10 - 2024-10


Game coverage (Streak) (8x4-5) - 2024-10

Variant 8x4-5

Game coverage of 120955 games played
Games...  (out of 32768)
 31922 played
 28932 played multiple times
  2990 played once
   846 not played
 27402 won multiple times
  4006 won once
   514 not won
  2521 lost multiple times
  6032 lost once
 23369 not lost

Times played for games played but not Won  eg 5555(10) game 5555 was played 10 times without being won
 54(3) 85(1) 111(1) 182(1) 385(1) 413(1) 415(1) 543(1) 572(2) 593(1)...

Games Not Played: 59 82 141 272 414 460 477 508 548 561 568 ...

Times played distribution  eg 2222 games were each played 10 times

    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
 2990 5539 6811 6322 4777 2865 1510  679  270  110

   11   12   13
 ---- ---- ----
   31   16    2